Who is Red John?

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Oscar Ardiles

Oscar Ardiles
Suspected in 36 theories


I think the RJ story line is truly over (unless the ratings fall really quickly).  My Blue Heaven was fairly decent, and so I will continue to watch.  What will be interesting is the clash between the new FBI agent and PJ.  The agent is as arrogant as PJ and almost as bright--but not quite.  The original of the "deal" is kept by PJ after the agent signs. The agent then signs and keeps SIX copies.  When PJ gets back to the US and is safely in the hands of the FBI, the agent says he only signed the original and did not accept it. What's your guess that one of the copies is different from the rest and binds the FBI (by the way, suspend your disbelief--it is the Justice Department that makes deals and not the FBI).

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My theory lies in the fact that the "real" RedJohn is still alive, and that he has been using people as pawns to do his dirty work, killing people.
So the sherrif is indeed "the redjohn" that killed Jane's wife and daughter, but the one who ordered this crime, the real Red John, is still free and alive.

We see here a Red John that gives Patrick what he wants, the person who really commited the crime. Still, why? Maybe he wanted Patrick Janes to commit a crime and feel how RJ feels, so they can become friends? Big question mark!

For my choice, I'm going for Oscar Ardiles.

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As disappointed as I am in the way the ending played out, it does make some sense who RJ ended up being, and how pathetic he turns out to be.

At no point in this show has RJ been supremely intelligent. Just think about it. He got away with everything he did because of his friends. As fans we created this persona in our minds of some supremely intelligent bloke, but in reality he didn't have to be so, nor did he have to have Jane's insight and abilities. He could have had anyone hypnotize Kristina Frye.

However, with that in mind, the way that he was portrayed in this final episode was comically poor and a bit of an insult to fans. Why would he attempt to convince Jane not to kill him on the basis of Jane being a good man and that it would haunt him. Jane has killed before and RJ knows this. Hell, he's the one person Jane would absolutely kill. Why would someone as risk-centric as RJ be so afraid to die? There is inherent risk in what he does, so much so that death must be something that you're comfortable with. One's own mortality is something you'd be acutely accepting of. Why would he call 911? What a ridiculous thing to do. Why would he meet Jane with such little protection? He knows Jane's conviction and will. And why on earth would he possibly try to convince Jane that he has true psychic abilities, as he does right before he dies? WTF Heller?

Jane's planting of the gun was not ingenious. It was moronic. He clearly knew that Bertram was not RJ so how on earth could he be sure that RJ would reveal himself, and specifically in the church? How could he possibly sneak a pigeon in through a pat-down by someone in law enforcement?

There are so many more unanswered questions relating to past episodes that don't match up at all. On that note, the woman in the graveyard who screamed when RJ ran near her then calmly and very intentionally walked away from the police/FBI when they arrived. She even put her head down and the camera panned on her. Why? Only reason I can think of is that she was planted there by someone else in case something went wrong. Are we about to have a Timothy Carter 2.0? That would be lazy and insulting to fans as well. And if RJ is not RJ then why did he not use that info to save himself? He's clearly afraid to die.

I don't mind McAllister as RJ, but the way it played out was as if Heller wrote this episode specifically for CBS's children demographic. There was no battle of wits. No intellectual dialogue. Atrocious filler scenes that served no purpose to the RJ arc nor any possible subsequent arc. A horribly forced CBI 's FBI showdown. Some awful acting by guests and regulars alike. A Red John confrontation so bland that throwing salt at my TV seemed a reasonable action. Action akin to something Angela Lansbury is still capable of without a stunt double. And really lazy writing with some incredibly cheesy lines and scenes.

Overall one is left with so many questions and valid reasons to find this episode more of a parody of everything they're done, rather than a fitting end to 7 years of fan loyalty and appreciation. I'm almost left feeling like I no longer care what direction the show decides to take. I've lost faith in the creative team's ability to keep me entertained and I certainly have no interest in watching some new cast do the same thing day in, day out without a central protagonist.

Bruno Heller, you really weren't kidding when you said that we'd be disappointed. I thought you were kidding. Little did I know that you were understating the fact...

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Bruno Heller said in an interview that we viewers will feel dissapointed of who Red John really is.

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All but one of the 7 suspects are/have been in law
enforcement. If Red John really is/was in law enforcement, then he cannot be
Bob Kirkland’s twin brother. Bob would have recognised him with his access,
determination, and investigation into California law enforcement. If Red John
is/was not in law enforcement, then the list is fake/not correct. This is on
the assumption that we’ve ruled out Stiles, which I think is reasonable.

So: if he’s in law enforcement, then he cannot be Kirkland’s
brother, nor Kirkland himself. It’s clearly not Bob considering his face-to-face
interaction with Patrick Jane in the cabin, and the fact that he’s dead. Even
if his brother is dead instead of him, it still rules them out as Red John
suspects definitively. Michael wouldn’t sacrifice himself if he was Red John
and Bob wouldn’t have been searching for his brother if he was Red John, which
he clearly was doing using Red John suspects as clues. We also rule out Stiles

If he is not in law enforcement, then the list of suspects
is not correct, or it is Stiles, which I can’t see happening.

The final option is that he is in law enforcement and that
he is neither of the Kirklands, and not on the list.

So go forth and discuss – is Red John in law enforcement?
Just think about this question without any prejudices about any favourite
suspects you might have. Once you’ve answered that question to yourself, think
about the implications for your theory/theories and what it means to the list of

Personally, I don’t believe that Red John is in law
enforcement. Why? 

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Red John would never try to kill Jane in such an
impersonal fashion as a bomb, even if the outcome would be leading everyone
stray of him. They have a bond; a relationship – one that Red John is bellbent
on furthering with Patrick. He wants Patrick to know him and to understand him –
nobody else ever will. His relationship with Jane is a strong, close one, as
far as Red John is concerned. Red John is determined to fulfil a dream that he
has, of Jane and him engaging on his terms. It’s entirely possible that Jane
has convinced everyone that Red John planted the bomb, when in fact Patrick had
done so beforehand, intentionally. Not only did he pick up a gun from the bloke
in the apartment block – he picked up explosives too. This was his plan all
along. He knows that Red John would never be so silly as to reveal himself with
a tattoo – this notion is a little flat. By laying the blame for the bomb on
Red John, he can convince Lisbon, Bertram, the team, and the public that Red
John is whoever he says he is and plant an effective decoy for his real plan to
take fold. This is also the reason why he tries to ensure that Lisbon cannot
make it to the house. He can control the group of supposed suspects, be she is
a wildcard, and one that he has feelings for. He could not risk her being


If we work on this premise, then it becomes obvious that
Jane does not believe that Red John is any of the suspects on the infamous list
of 7. In fact I am sure that Jane still doesn’t know who he is, but by playing
Red John in the media with the bomb and the false accusation, he knows that he
can draw him out of the woodwork on terms that allows him to be the only one who
can identify him, while allowing the rest of the team to truly believe that
they are tracking and will catch the real Red John, who is the decoy.


But the question remains: why would Red John fall for
this? Why would he allow himself to be exposed on what are clearly Jane’s
terms? Is he truly irrational enough to allow his anger over false accusations to
allow this? I don’t think so. There is more to Jane’s plan that will only
unfold once we have seen the next episode. We also know that Jane goes on the
run later down the line. Why? Perhaps he’s not really hiding from law
enforcement, but is instead ashamed and riddled with guilt about the
repercussions of his actions. Perhaps his decoy attempt resulted in Rigsby
and/or Van Pelt’s death(s)?


Another alternative to the bomb planting is that it was
carried out by other Tyger, Tyger members, in an attempt to kill off the impending
investigation into them? I’m quite sure though that Red John is not responsible
for the bomb. If he is, then he would have ensured Jane’s safety somehow, and
that would have required him to have been in the house at the time, or to have
intervened in the tattoo reveal process. Perhaps that’s where the shotgun comes
into play?


What do we know about Red John? We know that he is a
meticulous planner. He is driven, I’d say, more by pride than ego, although he
does allow his inner-narcissist to come to the fore on occasion. He is duplicitous,
but to a degree far deeper and believable than the likes of Bertram appears
capable of pulling off. He hates women for some reason, or a certain type of
woman, at least. He only kills men when left with what he perceives as no other
option. He rapes women, which indicates that his hatred is deep-seated and
probably stems from childhood – he must feel complete power and control over
them. He is vengeful, but mindful of being in control over this vengeance that
could see him easily caught, or succumb to mistakes. He is patient. He is not a
psychopath by definition – he truly believes that what he does has merit and
purpose, and that his superior intellect is so far the only one capable of
understanding his motives, hence why the relationship with Jane is so
important. This relationship is not complete yet – Jane still does not
understand him the way Red John wants him to.


He is a master manipulator, and this would bleed over
into his personal and work life. He wouldn’t want to hide it. He’d seek out a
profession that allows him to express and take advantage of his ability to manipulate.
Perhaps a lawyer? DA? A politician? He truly believes in the mentor-mentee
roles and implants himself into the lives of others to fulfil this need to be
in control of other people. He probably didn’t teach this to himself – someone else
was at some point his mentor. Bret Stiles seems a perfect candidate, although I’d
hazard a guess at his mentor possibly being someone that Bret Stiles killed in
order to reach the top of Visualize. Hence why Bret Stiles cannot disclose Red
John’s identity without implicating himself in a murder. Now one might ask why
he would care about disclosing this if he’s dying, but it would destroy his
legacy, which is something he has worked hard for, and could destroy
Visaualize, an organisation he’s dedicated his life to. We know that Red John
at some point in his youth was a Visualize member, but for whatever reason
appears to have broken away from the group – this ties in with my theory about
Stiles’ murders. Red John does not believe that he is a psychic – he uses
trickery and deception. He feels that he was pivotal in assisting Patrick into
a more respectable life – away from the deception of being a psychic. He wants
others to see him as almost god-like, while suspending their belief in the
supernatural. In this latter sense he feels a further connection with Patrick –
he believes that he is Patrick’s mentor in many aspects, and that Patrick is
yet to open himself to this possibility. He likens it to a god vs devil
relationship, but relates more with the devil’s plight – this is an allegorical
relationship only, but the inherent symmetry is one that he embraces. There is
a lot more to say about Red John and who he might be, but I will leave it at
this for now.


Without Jane, Red John becomes purposeless to a large
extent. He would never intentionally destroy that dynamic for a short-term goal
of misdirecting the CBI. He is out there, and he is watching from the
sidelines. Right now both Patrick Jane and Red John believe that they’re one
step ahead of each other, but in reality they’re tied, just a few furlongs from
the finish-line. Something drastic in the next two episodes will change all of


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