Who is Red John?

Theory #17261 • by lawliet


Ray Haffner

Ray Haffner
Suspected in 875 theories


Before I start, I want to remind certain viewers that this is a show. Real world logic does not (read: DOES NOT) apply.

Trying to psychoanalyze Red John or any of the other suspects and claiming "this is how it is, therefore Red John is this person or he is alive or he is dead" -does not- work, and you are guaranteed to fail if you do this, as many of you will realize if you dig deeply into the older theories. We can only use what the show has granted us, and to a very limited scope. You cannot extrapolate two steps ahead from gathered information like you can in real life, which is why the mysteries in these kinds of crime shows are always so difficult to crack.

Worst of all, Heller can change his mind at any given time about -any- part of the series. He has demonstrated this clearly enough in his interviews about Red John. It is a contrived work, so leave overly extravagant theories to yourselves.

Also, people have been throwing around the word 'misdirection' without realizing what it means. Misdirection is usually followed by a enthralling presentation that leaves you wondering how said performance was done; a distraction that obfuscates the true method behind a great performance, or trick, or deception. Honestly, I can't say Heller has taken any regard to this. The things he has done thus far isn't 'misdirection', it's 'pulling things out of one's ass'.

That said, perhaps a little leeway is in order. The best that can be done at this point is to attempt to determine whether Red John is alive, or is truly, irrefutably dead. An upcoming episode, 'Grey Water' is purported to have the first references to Red John since his 'death'. If he really is dead, let's just hope heaven smiles on us and he reads this, because there is much he is going to need to explain in that episode. I personally am giving him a chance, at least until the end of this season, to repair the travesty he's created, and this two month break isn't really helping him either. I hope he takes this time to reassess his series.

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