Who is Red John?

Theory #17493 • by RJResurrected


Ray Haffner

Ray Haffner
Suspected in 875 theories


I would like nothing more than a dead GVP, a blood painting we know all too well, and a thoroughly defeated Jane.

I would also say the kidnapping of GVP is a lure for Jane (read the next episode summary), but wouldn't Lisbon's disappearance be a stronger motivation? Then again, we all know how lackluster the writers have been since the Mcallister fiasco. But then, if none of this is for Jane, what is the point of all this? I hardly think anyone would go to such lengths just to kill Rigsby.

Regardless of what might actually have happened at Jane's house, as far as we know, Reede Smith is still alive. I still think the more likely candidates are Stiles or Haffner, and out of the two of them, Haffner being most likely. You have to remember the beginning of this season, when the quality of writing was at its peak, Red John kidnapped Lisbon and left her intact, painting his smiley with Partridge's blood almost lovingly on her face. AFAIK, Red John does not leave survivors if he can help it, Jane being the obvious exception since he had more planned for him, and Haffner has shown deep feelings for Lisbon, which could have influenced this. Also, it appears Haffner/Stiles/Visualize did hire Kira Tinsley, possibly to plant the dotted tattoo clue to mislead Jane. The funny thing is, the way Jane is acting so far, it seems like he truly believes he has killed Red John.

Someone on Jane's list is Red John, but it was never Mcallister. At this point, everyone can see the different details that poke holes in the whole "RJ = Mcallister" thing. We can only hope.

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