Who is Red John?

Theory #17533 • by krobhag


Tommy Volker

Tommy Volker
Suspected in 21 theories


So I (very rudely) started posting this another another man's (or woman's) theory so I'll repost it here.

I'm starting to think that the whole "old gang" is in on the kidnapping - which would explain why the gang went out for a drink (so that VanPelt could be left alone in the Red motel) and why Lisbon demured (so that she could help set up the caper).  

It is a very Mentalist-y twist - a la "Crimson Hat" where Jane fake murdered Lisbon and Rigsby.

Haibach is a decoy villain because he is easily riled.  That is why Lisbon chooses him when Jane asks about their hunches.  He is used to draw out the real killer.  

If the real killer has eyes within the FBI, it would be one explanation for why everyone was acting so weird around each other.

Or, it is possible that Rigsby and VanPelt weren't even privy to the plan until Lisbon starts to stage the fake kidnapping.  (Perhaps Rigsby doesn't even know it is fake during the episode.)

This would kind of make this episode like "The Mentalist - Greatest Hits" because it draws on a lot of elements and twists that we've already seen and would be a good farewell to Rigsby/GVP.  


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