Who is Red John?

Theory #17619 • by Brigmorewitches


Lorelei Martins

Lorelei Martins
Suspected in 44 theories


Why didn't the sheriff of Napa kill Lisbon when he had the opportunity? Why spare her when he has no trouble killing an innocent child and her mother? Knowing how much Lisbon means to Patrick, that would have been a huge blow to Patrick. Obviously a main reason is Lisbon is a main part of the cast and the writers would never kill her off so soon........................ or if they follow logic and reason (joke of the century), Red John has a soft spot for Lisbon. Now, this new guy MARcus pike or whatever the fuck his name is.............seems to have a thing for Lisbon. Two clues fit here, he is MAR clue and he likes Lisbon. The season finale is called Blue bird which as another theorist mentioned earlier is slang for "cop". I feel like an idiot grasping at straws like this but there is still very little hope left for this show...... i hope BH reverses the damage.

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