Who is Red John?

Theory #17637 • by RJResurrected


Brett Partridge

Brett Partridge
Suspected in 1k+ theories


So, the recently released title of this season's finale marked 'Blue Bird' has destroyed any semblance of hope of a RJ return for fans who are looking for a decent storyline...Or has it?

When Jane used a pigeon against Mcallister, I always thought it was quite fitting. Birds have always been a central theme of William Blake's poems and paintings. It is for this and this reason alone that I am still holding hope for the finale...But I must say, after this, I'm done, and quite frankly, lest this once riveting series caves into the demographic of single thirty year old women who would rather see Jisbon over any kind of appreciable story, the show is better off being cancelled and never having a seventh season of this atrocity.

One thing I want to point out is that, now, what greater purpose does Jane have? He doesn't care about justice, he made that clear in season 1 and 2.  He's only ever agreed to gruel through cases that were child's play to him at the CBI to bring him closer Red John. He made it clear to Abbot that solving crimes is just a game to him and forced him to succumb to his terms should he return to the USA...But now what is he fighting for with the FBI, his freedom? That's it? He could have just stayed in South America and enjoyed life like he wanted. So, then, Patrick is just going to go on solving cases with the same old formula with hardly any difficulty whatsoever? Here is a writing tip, Heller and Co.: Patrick Jane needs a challenge. Red John is the only character to ever satisfy this challenge. Stop these idiotic polls and do what is best for the story, like any self respecting writer would do.

I am personally riding on two hopes here, the cryptic code left behind on the obscure USB Bertram found (why the hell haven't they looked into that yet? you'd think they would have right after nabbing "red john"), and the fact that Blue Bird should have something to do with William Blake and hence, Red John. With a title like that, Brett Partridge would definitely fit into the equation. I honestly don't care who RJ turns out to be, just that they will snap out of this spell and fix what's broken.

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