Who is Red John?

Theory #17660 • by utkarsh


Virgil Minelli

Virgil Minelli
Suspected in 126 theories


I think that Heller changed his mind as they began to get closer to the revel. The Red John phenomenon had been made grand and he was started to be seen as a big deal and somebody whom people worshipped, although the twisted ones mostly. But nevertheless, he had been glorified enough even if in a negative manner that is. So come to think of it, isnt it a dangerous precedent. Ii mean what if some youngster decides that RJ was too cool to be not emulated and started developing homicidal tendencies. Or if someone got justification for their convoluted thinking. That would be dis-service to the society as no one wants to be killed at the hands of a serial killer for fun man..Maybe Heller deliberately wanted to showcase RJ as a weak man and called him a coward and Jane even said he was disappointed. my 2 cents anyway..

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