Who is Red John?

Theory #17877 • by TMwasnotRJ


Brett Partridge

Brett Partridge
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Hey guys Remember Episode 8 Season 6 "Red John"
conversation between partick jane and TM 

Patrick - Faking your own death was easy "brett partridge was black association his job gave him access to the primary dna he switched your dna records with a body that you had on ice a surrogate and you brought  the body to my house in the trunk of your car and you put it alongside stiles and haffner"
TM-very good
But B.P. Was Dead In episode 1 How could he Faked TMRJs Death....?
" TMRJ was Not RJ He was pretending To be RJ I think he was hypnotized"
Sorry for Bad English

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