Who is Red John?

Theory #17994 • by RedJordan999


Ray Haffner

Ray Haffner
Suspected in 875 theories


Has everyone given up on Red John?.....Has everyone given up on The Mentalist?................Has everyone given up on this website?..........what the fuck has happened? Do you remember how you felt at the beginning of season 6 ? I was checking this site every half an hour and loving every post and so excited at the possibilities , even though I didn't agree with every theory I still liked that there were other people like me who were as crazy as I was for this show..........now..............this site has been reduced to people bitching And insulting one another and 12 hours going by in between theories ............now when this show creeps into my mind I get that same feeling I get when I'm putting on my suit to go to a funeral......kinda depressed and trying to think of better times

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