Who is Red John?

Theory #18046 • by PoopKid


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I'm just bored to death. I just can't believe they chose to don't give a damn about giving more backstory about RJ in the 6x20, it was our only chance to see something else about the character...

This is just so dumb, so stupid, so insulting. 5 fuckin' years building theories, BECAUSE of Bruno Heller and this crew of dumb screenwriters, with such things as :

-RJ has worked with Visualize!
-RJ has turned Krye into a mindless zombie!
-Kirkland kills a RJ accomplice EVEN IF IT IS STUPID AND POINTLESS (there WOULD have been a point IF Kirkland was the long lost twin)...
-etc etc...

And in the end, nothing, nothing, nothing. They just... Blow up... Visualize's leader... a worldwide sect... with absolutely NO consequences... they just put that stupid and lonely sheriff, pigeonphobic, as the great RJ who seduced countless women, turning them into his drones, using some psychopaths and making them believe in him to the point of gladly giving their life in his name...

Oh god, oh god... I just hope, please, that someone will write a book, even a databook, telling us how to explain all this shit...

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