Who is Red John?

Theory #18072 • by bombdiggitySeason7


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Well, I may be the delusional one on the board here but I'm glad to see The Mentalist back for another season.  Of course, I have no expectations of getting a Red John recap or explanation next season but I do hope they tie up a few things with the flash drive.  The way I look at it the encrypted drive could open a whole new quest for Jane that may keep the season watch-worthy.

As for next weeks "romantic episode" .......Heller stated a couple weeks back that the ending was made as a finale AND/ OR a new beginning.  Since I really don't believe they will have Jane and Lisbon as a couple next year I'm betting that...........

Lisbon's decision to stay will be based on her realization that she is NOT IN LOVE WITH PIKE.  Remember guys... Jane is a Mentalist.  He will somehow get Lisbon to admit she's not ready to move with Pike while at the same time confess the fact he wants her stay and let him redeem himself.  Viola...... season 7 opens with Jane doing something stupid...Lisbon getting pissed and we have a whole season of angst and unrequited sexual tension for the Jisbon-y fangirls out there.

At least this will give Cho some awkward one-liners.  Heh.

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