Who is Red John?

Theory #18186 • by Ex-Fan


Walter Mashburn

Walter Mashburn
Suspected in 325 theories


Well, the finale wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Have to admit that I didn't see the fake letter coming.  On the other hand it certainly wasn't good enough to hook me for season 7.

The best line of the whole episode was of course Cho's cat comment.

Sadly (for me), the direction of the final season will obviously be geared towards Jisbon.  The woman on the plane ironically summed it up with "Every woman on this plane is green with envy".

That's nice, but I'm a guy and that has watched every episode from season 1 episode 1, all it did was make me green with nausea.

I'm moving on to The Arrow and The Flash this fall. They're not murder mysteries, but the writers on The Arrow have successfully demonstrated how to plan and execute story arcs that are complex yet resolve in a manner that actually makes sense.

I'll probably drop by this site occasionally to see if there are any RJ hopefuls still clinging to life support.  However, I've officially pulled the plug on my hope.

Thanks to everybody who posted theories that made sense (obviously Heller didn't post them) and the person who created this site for the original hardcore fans.

To all the shippers, enjoy your new procedural soap opera.  No hard feelings, you people didn't kill this show, it was Heller who gave all of us original fans the finger by refusing to tie all the important clues together in the Red John reveal parody.

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