Who is Red John?

Theory #18219 • by Mch


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Heh, I've been trying to phrase my impressions of the season finale without coming out as bitter or rude. What a quest that turned out to be! :D

So, I decided that the only way I could comment on it whilst keeping a polite profile would be to distance myself from it. Approach it with complete disregard to my expectations.

1) First of all the episode in itself was quite mediocre for a season finale. It's solid proof of how much of its momentum the show has lost by apparently killing off its main selling point. 

Lack of romantic chemistry between the two main leads aside (one of the few TV couples that just don't work for me), even the build up to that moment was trite and lacking.

Jane's con became apparent to me (I did have some hope when I heard the name Schultz and H IS M), on the beach scene, were Jane let Lisbon "solve" it. It was so obvious that it was sad on personal level, bordering insulting.

2) I have never seen a show "hate itself" so much. Starting from episode 9 until the end, it's been less of a "new direction" and more of pointing out how every single thing from the past was silly and irrelevant. 

RJ being passed off as joke, (even in the trial con) and on the last episode they even targetted Jane's manipulative side (by having him renounce it for Lisbon). 

At every turning point post-8, the essential aspects of this show (RJ, Jane distancing others) have been targetted and ridiculed. And by extend the viewers that supported them. 

Sure, I'm on board with the character moving on. But moving on does not mean forgetting. One must aknowledge his past and all the actions that led him to this point. The show's approach is "eh, forget about those, here's something new".

This is not about the show moving to a place where I do not approve. I'm behind any storytelling decision that makes sense from the characters' perspective. The cast was great for what it went out to do initially. The troubled / distanced protagonist, the by-the-book cop, the badass cop with the golden heart, the comic relief / good cop partner and the eye candy / smart chick. It worked. Then they tried to take the characters somewhere that they weren't meant to go, or maybe they weren't ready for. 

They could easily recasted the whole show (yes that includes Jane) and none would be the wiser. It might have even made that last kiss less icky too.

Then again, maybe I am the problem. Maybe I failed to understand the characters of this show and I am way off in my assumptions.

I'll keep visiting this site, and will probably watch season 7 as well. But this doesn't feel the same show to me anymore.

P.S. On a fun note, I think we can now bump the list on the following link to 7 (hey just like the RJ suspect list!). Do not be alarmed, the link is safe. Cracked is very well known site, and has some refreshingly funny articles:


Have a good day :D

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