Who is Red John?

Theory #18271 • by quazigogogo


Ellis Mars

Ellis Mars
Suspected in 36 theories


season 7 starts 3 years after season 6 ended.  lisbon has retired to stay at home with their little one.  jane and cho are checking out a body that was found in a dumpster outside of a nudist colony.  fischer is still useless except for a single observation she pulled off the internet about how nudist colonies are usually full of ugly people but the victim was actually a former male model.  wiley uses his ninja computer skills to uncover the fact that the colony is actually a low budget nude reality webshow based on the Big Brother style.  PJ eventually roots out the killer by temporarily joining the colony and realizing that the only person in the community that would make eye contact before giving a "full body" visual examination would be the person with something to hide.  all the while abbot just smirks and acts like PJ's little games are acceptable ways to draw out  a killer and will definintely hold up in court.  after cho gives his fail proof interrogation technique of asking "so, why'd you do it" while staring straight through the suspect and into their soul,  they admit that they had to do it, because size really does matter.  the show ends with a fully clothed PJ walking into a silent house and finding a note taped to the outside of the bedroom door......

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