Who is Red John?

Theory #18468 • by Hll


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


For shits and giggles, I took a look at some Gotham reviews [but have not watched the show nor will I ever -- I may not be able to stop the Mentalist addiction against my better mind, but I don't have to start another hellish Heller experience]...

and what I found is a recent article titled: "Gotham Should Be Renamed "The Penguin Show"  that goes like this...

"...the Penguin has crawled his way back to Gotham, and found a high-ranking spot in the crew of Salvatore Maroni (David Zayas), the biggest rival to reigning Don Carmine Falcone (John Doman). At the end of “Penguin’s Umbrella,” the limping, slippery gangster met with Falcone (at his chicken coop) and confirmed that he’d been working for him all along."

SERIOUSLY?!  LMFAO...and I mean, LAUGHING...one year after Heller's PIGEON takes down a mastermind....he's got a new show with "Penguin" and his rival is..."Falcon?" And they meet in Falcon's chicken coop?  I have to say it again.....SERIOUSLY?!

Is Heller BIRD OBSESSED OR WHAT?!  And isn't Gotham supposed to be a Batman-less Batman story?  Clearly, "someone" is more interested in the BIRDS on this show than the BAT.

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