Who is Red John?

Theory #18496 • by RedJohnIsAShowMan


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Maybe one could argue that in the end most serial killers are caught and not while they have the upper hand. Maybe Helper thought of season 6 of the mistakes and the demise of Red John. He was exceedingly clever and was in the upper hand right until he let his guard down to Jane. Maybe he was so certain and proud of himself and he wanted to the game to end so he thought it's time to end Jane. Bertram was already pronounced as Red John by Jane himself, as he said it would be a fitting end to the story if they were both found dead, together. I don't know. It's so conflicting. It seems like Heller thought of the BA, and bird acrophobia many years since the s how's commencement. One can clearly see a difference of opinion, a lack of continuity, and a sudden change of direction and ideas when it comes to gradual evolution of the Red John arc.

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