Who is Red John?

Theory #18506 • by Hll


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


What is there REALLY to talk about with "Nothing But Blue Skies?"  I'm tired of hearing myself express "Nothing But Disappointment."  I had to keep rewinding the show on my laptop because I'd get distracted by more interesting things -- and I actually forget about it airing.  

However, I will say….what show supposedly waiting for "years" to see two leads come together romantically…just SKIPS over the whole "we finally did it" stuff.  Don't get me wrong -- I'm SO happy!! Because I DON'T want to see Jibson half naked, making out or in a bed together, and the good thing is, I actually think we might never actually have to…!!  

But I need to point out that it's HIGHLY UNUSUAL to have some long awaited epic love affair finally happen at the bequest of all the love lorn fans…and then…show nothing?  Ha..ha…

Even just Lisbon's BRIEF moment of seeing PIKE at the end was SO MUCH BETTER, had so much more heat and chemistry --- than a whole unbearable hour of lame Jibson, with Jane -- trying to prove he loves her [without anyone knowing] by being protective and chivalrous "Don't speak to her THAT way!"  This is HARDLY an exciting secret office romance…it's more like a BROmance if anything…

ANd, I think if Jane really liked Lisbon in a sexual way, he would have put the swan in her pocket A LONG time ago [no pun intended lol]

Seriously, break these two up for the betterment of everyone, especially the SHOW!

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