Who is Red John?

Theory #18846 • by RedJohnIsAShowMan


Dr. Royston Daniel

Dr. Royston Daniel
Suspected in 13 theories


The Leader of the White Walkers really reminded me of Red John from the Season 2 finale. His dignified walk step by step along with his calm and calculated appearance as well as the gut-wrenchig astonishing soundtrack. Movies and TV shows are only as good as their villians.

Quick Question: Red John told Jane in the season 4 finale that there is no heaven and hell. He said that when he dies he will not be punished for his deeds. But McAllister told Jane in 6x03 after killing the guy on the roof, "Now he's talking directly to Jesus." You think he was being sarcastic? That was he being sarcastic when Jane was easily destroying him in rock, paper,scissors. He was like a dog, Jane could predict his every move. That's a patsy or maybe a member of Red John's corporation. Not the mastermind himself.

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