Who is Red John?

Theory #9190 • by gusanette


Brett Partridge

Brett Partridge
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Not so much a theory, but rather a question for the group.

What do you think the explosion at the end of the last episode was?  I mean, what caused it?  Who caused it?  Why?

Personally, I think it was Red John.  I think Brett Partridge is Red John.  He faked his own death with the help of some of his disciples (think about it, he is a forensic guy, and likely his first disciples would be those closest to him - other forensic guys).  The list included not only him, but also those who were hunting him (Bob Kirkland, perhaps members of Tyger Tyger) or whom he perceived as a threat (perhaps Bret Styles is his father and was engaging Ray Haffner to track down his son, Brett Partridge, to convince him to STOP killing). 

Brett Partridge first had to throw Patrick Jane off of his own trail, hence faking his death.  Then he could sic Patrick Jane on the remaining people on the list, thereby using Jane to actually further Red John's own goals.  When Jane conceived to gather all five remaining people on the list in one place, Red John/Brett Partridge just couldn't resist the opportunity to try to eliminate so many of his enemies with one blow.

Also, I do not think that Patrick Jane trusts Lisbon (and with good reason).  He ditched her, after she promised that she would not try to stop him from killing Red John.  And, of course, after he did that, she had to call him to try to convince him to not kill Red John (showing she was obviously intending to go back on her word about not preventing Jane from killing Red John).

And, FWIW, I think that Sheriff McAllister IS trusted by Jane and was/is in on the plan Jane hatched about getting all five "suspects" together.  Jane knows Red John is NOT one of the five, but now he needs to act like he DOES think that in order to draw Red John out.

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