Who is Red John?

Theories of Dean (4)

Theory #9600 • By Dean
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In adition to my theory 9581:

1) Lisbon obviously cannot know that Jane is taking down Tiger Tiger with his list of 7 (and not RJ) because she's too close to Bertram and Haffner.

2) Maybe RJ did not kill Partrigde just as revenge for Lorelei, but also to lure out some Tiger Tiger members to make the job easier for Jane, who's his one-time partner in this - untill Tiger Tiger is unraveled: from that point RJ becomes Janes archenemy again but will reveal his identity if he keeps his word.

3) The presence of Stiles in Janes landhouse could be very important because Red John cares for him and listens to him. Jane therefore wants to keep Stiles as close as possible, like a card he can play if RJ doesn't come trough.

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Might be a silly coïncidence, but when you search for partridge pigeon in Google, you get pictures of a particular Australian bird, with a very interesting face-color.

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I kept wondering who killed the spy-woman, and while focusing on the three dots, I just forgot about Cho's question to her. He asks: is he visualize? She says yes.

Bertram, McAllister and Smith are not visualize.

Haffner and Stiles don't possess the tattoo.

So maybe it was Jason Cooper, though Jane believes the man when he denies having the CBI bugged. But it's not unlikely that Stiles wanted to have a man of his own inside Tyger Tyger. That man is not Haffner. Could the attractive spy-woman have slept with someone like Cooper?

And apart from that: is Tyger Tyger chasing Red John, or protecting him? If they're chasing him, why are they acting so aggresive all over, especially Smith?

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It's Jane himself with a split personality. He had a screwed up childhood, causing his alter personality which killed his own family. He's chasing himself and doesn't know it.

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