Who is Red John?

Theories of mirin_brah (1)

Hello everyone,

Let me start by this: I was sooo dumb, blind and foolish and not aware of who RJ is until I saw the Preview of S06 E08. The Mentalist is for soooo long was my top favourite show and within the last months i started hating it for those eternally long turns and twists and the total confusion. I am happy to finally found out who RJ really is, and it is grandiose I can promise you.

As an "introduction" to the next weeks episode "Red John" you can all go back to the Pilot and watch the Pilot again. Please consider Dr. Linus Wagner as the real Red John and follow the about 25 MINUTES of Patrick Jane - Dr. Linus Wagner dialogues. It struck me sooo hard, never ever did PJ talk to somebody so intense, honest, long and overwhelming. They have such a great chemistry. Enjoy this so you can take this last final waiting for RJ a little better!

I think RH is Dr. Linus Wagner. I just watched the PILOT (1st Episode) of the Mentalist again and Dr. Wagner hast the strangest voice and 100% fits the voice AND APPEARANCE from RJ in the preview of S06 E08 'Red John' which you can see here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z77P7ebT0QI

Before you down-vote this please take notice of the following clues/facts:

In the very first Episode Dr. Wagner played the MAIN role as the bad guy. He ON PURPOSE acted out a grizzly double murder just "textbook Red John" as Cho said it, and even Brett Partridge said "classic Red John here". Patrick Jane was the ONLY person who had any doubt that it was the real RJ. Because the smiley was on the "wrong wall" and Theresa said: "maybe RJ is trying something new or making a mistake". THAT was the only reason why Dr. Linus Wagner was NOT OFFICIALLY RED JOHN. Because of this small "mistake".

I think he did this on purpose, so that he gets in prison and AS RED JOHN (with his many followers) gets in and out there easily. Dr. Linus Wagner was not only locked in prison but LOCKED OUT OUF OUR MINDS (and Patrick's mind as well). That is sooo smart and ingenious.

Dr. Linus Wagner and Dr. Randolf shared a private medical center. Wagner was the "Psychotherapist" and Randolf did everything else. 

In the Pilot Patrick Jane chases Dr. Wagner after "RJ" put a letter under his door. He truly thinks it is RJ he is chasing.

I will not write down everything that I noticed, but please do watch the Pilot again and understand/ feel the chemistry between Patrick and Dr. Wagner. 

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