Who is Red John?

Theories of whiteeagle (21)

Theory #16237 • By whiteeagle
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PJ is now more stronger than before, he will probably have access to FBI files, and he surely would want to know who were RJ friends in FBI.
i think that is the main reason he accepted this job offer, and he will discover uggly things happening, not only in California this time, but nationwide.
Remember what haffner said to lisbon once; PJ had upset a lot of powerful people not just RJ. Meaning RJ is one of many.

as for " He is mar" could it be He is Marshall? talking about Mcallister, too many people ignore the difference.

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so shame that since the red jhon Episode, not too many people are viewing this site anymore, last saturday almost a thousand opinion, today barely one each hour or two, is that because RJ is revealed or because the reveal itself wasn't satisfying.
If a better reveal as we wanted had been, would people still come and comment?
we'll never know.
RJ was the main character of the show, and not PJ
we accepted a lot of bad scenarios and writings in almost all seasons, just for the sake of the RJ case and not the way PJ solved his murders, he had plenty of idiot criminals. there was for sure some of wonderful episodes but rare.
for example the killer who keep the poisoned tee in the kitchen so PJ can drink it, and later she kept it in her own house,, i mean it's not well written no? what if she had caught that rabbit? we let go too many things because of RJ and what we get is bullshit,, lot of things happened for no reason.
look at the last episode; they even try to make a joke with that lady behind the wheel, who PJ tried to stop,, or when FBI was chasing PJ it took a small truck going backwards to block them and PJ had all the time to stop goes bacwards and give his car to tose kids, WTF. primitive writing
when you try and rewatch some old episode not necessarly the RJs, lot of things don't fit.
we have been hypnotized by the idea of PJ WILL GET RJ.

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What would you say if the RJ smiley appears again on a crime seen in latin america where PJ is?

if you like GREEN
you don't RED

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before tonight's episode i would like to make a last guess about RJ's identity,
in the "fake" jane saide Whatever the truth look like the opposite must be true.
i've been thinking about father peter dibuono from the red barn episode;
his last chat with PJ is suspicious.
we saw the real episode there was no fake,, but i think that one more time jane didn't the real one.
goodnight and see u tomorrow RJ.

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I’ve posted theories here since around the
2000th theory, and we’re reaching the 15000th,

I’ve read too many and missed a few, I even
went back and read some of the first.
The first one was about Partridge. I was
not a fan of partridge, but at one moment I was convinced, in fact I was
convinced also by Mashburn, Haffner, Frye, Stiles and others. I was never
convinced by McAllister, Bertram and Smith, and I think i was not the only one.

I refused to believe that there was a leak
until I saw it 24hrs ago, I’m not so disappointed completely to be honest to a
point of saying F…k everybody, I just couldn’t find it logical to end this way,
I mean I don’t have anything against McAllister Being RJ or calling 911 or
begging for his life, who wouldn’t when knowing he’s going to die, the guy is
smart and not a terrorist. What I didn’t like or what I had expected is that PJ
reveals RJ and not RJ reveals himself, if PJ had trapped RJ like he always does
and maybe in a more complicated trick, it was ok, but not as easy as that.

Even after McAllister was dead I kept on waiting
for something more to happen, When PJ called Lisbon I thought that finally we
are going to see the real face of RJ answering that last call from Patrick but
no, unknown caller in an evidence pack.

But hey, if we replace McAlister by any
other suspect it would also fit, I mean Bret stiles or Haffner could’ve done
the same thing, Stiles is old but he can count on Cordero to kill. Brett
Partridge and Kirkland also, seriously imagine someone else in place of
McAlister, nothing would change.

Witch lead me to think that maybe there was
a multiple shots with several actors since McAlister came into action, and
specially that on the promo we don’t see the body of Bertram.

Until tonight’s episode, I’m really not
expecting any changes, I’m just hoping for the good sake of the show and its

To finish, if it was really a leak, i think because heller dosen't trust himself capable of satisfying us, so first he will disappoint us knowing that we will be happy with any other outcome.

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Theory #13801 • By whiteeagle
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The link on theory 13765 is fake, doesn't work not with mozzila and not with anything else. More from the us or elswhere. Stop it guys please or I will reveal the real RJ.
Heller and CBs do you want a proof that I know who he is.
Well he is not one of the many suspects proposed on this website.
Another hint ok. Black and white. I can really spoil it if I want to

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I dare someone to poste a good link to episode 8. Suddenly the ultimate episode is leaked, nice try all of you CBs and Heller guys to bring the excitement to peak. The only thing that was leaked were six pictures of PJ runing after a wounded McAlister three minutes before the end of the episode. Before dying surely he revealed who RJ is. 

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