Who is Red John?

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Grace Van Pelt

Grace Van Pelt
Suspected in 303 theories


Kinda weird that this "conspiracy" to kill cbi agents started as soon as jane came back to the states and started with the fbi. Definitely not a coincidence, but were left in the dark about this whole thing so were just gonna have to guess wait to see what happends.

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I forgot to write the most inportant part..
How the hell did GVP get that lead about the warehouse? It was her right?
Seems like she always is a the catalysist for drama like this. Red john "hacked" her computer a few times...

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Holy shit! I hope i am not spoiling anything for anyone so i will officailly say

Great typical episode until the end omg! Thats what this show has always been about , happy go lucky cheesey crime plot with the heart racing dark cloud of a villian that hovers above the show. Red john or not , most likely not, this new plot is thick and very odd. Is it simply richard heibach seeking reveng on the cbi? I doubt it .
One thing for sure it seems like its not a technologically advanced rich guy who is spying with the looks of that barn hideout. Poor Jj, i dont think he is dead tho because character die on camera . His eyes could of closed but they didnt but i could be wrong.
This conspiracy is just getting started and i think its going to get crazier and crazier.
Side note: agent fischer had a very troubled childhood and watching her with the magic wand was mad creepy.

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Rigsby is hellbent on finding whoever took grace captive .
Why did they take her? Why not just kill her ? They killed other members of cbi like ardilles so why keep her alive? Was she really alive ? Wayne was riddled with all this info but he didnt care he wanted to find his wife.

Fast forward...rigsby finds out where grace is being held...he kill the man holding her but then hears "im sorry wayne...i really loved you...then bam! Rigsby is dead. Grace slowly walks away as the
Credits roll...

2 more days ...

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i miss patrick jane's vests.
i miss patrick jane's teacup.
i miss the dark, intimate cbi headquarters.
i miss red john.
i miss the cat & mouse chase.
i miss red episode titles.
i miss rigsby & van pelt. (yes, it's true.. i can't believe it either.)
i miss the mentalist.

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William Blake: "Last Judgement"
Reminded me of red johns speech in the limo with jane.
Basically if you are passionate about something it is not a sin. Being dispassionate in life will get you banned from the heavens above.

"Men are admitted into Heaven not because they have curbed & governd their Passions, or have No Passions, but because they have Cultivated their Understandings. The Treasures of Heaven are not Negations of Passion, but Realities of Intellect from which All the Passions Emanate Uncurbed in their Eternal Glory. The Fool shall not enter into Heaven, let him be ever so Holy. Holiness is not The price of Enterance into Heaven. Those who are cast out Are All Those who, having no Passions of their own because No Intellect, Have spent their lives in Curbing & Governing other People’s by the Various arts of Poverty & Cruelty of all kinds. Wo Wo Wo to you Hypocrites! Even Murder the Courts of Justice, more merciful than the Church, are compelld to allow, is not done in Passion but in Cool Blooded Design & Intention.
The Modern Church Crucifies Christ with the Head Downwards.
Many persons such as Paine & Voltaire, with some of the Ancient Greeks, say: “We will not converse concerning Good & Evil; we will live in Paradise & Liberty.” You may do so in Spirit, but not in the Mortal Body as you pretend, till after the last Judgment; for in Paradise they have no Corporeal & Mortal Body—that originated with the Fall & was calld Death & cannot be removed but by a Last Judgment; while we are in the world of Mortality we Must Suffer. The Whole Creation Groans to be deliverd; there will always be as many Hypocrites born as Honest Men & they will always have superior Power in Mortal Things. You cannot have Liberty in this World without what you call Moral Virtue, & you cannot have Moral Virtue without the Slavery of that half of the Human Race who hate what you call Moral Virtue".

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Guess what Grace, its pretty normal for sane people to mock the occult. You're not normal.
Grace was too good for Visualize because she is a member of visual-dies. The church ran by satan herself. A lot of historians and religious experts believe Satan was a woman. The divine feminine energy that has been suppressed throughout history. The church was anti-female and have held women down for centuries.
Kristina Freye and her "church" hated the male dominated BA. They were corrupt as the sky is blue. Red john has a moral code and has always reminded me of the joker in some ways. Fearful symmetry in that jane and rj are similar. In that red john does not care about material gain just like the joker and NOT like the BA.
Although their code is messed up and sadistic it is still important to them. Shit , Kristina Freye took red johns side about why he killed Janes family . "You lied about him Patrick, he was punishing you".
Jane lied about him?! What sane person would say that? She sounds like Bosco's secretary..

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