Who is Red John?

Theory #11503 • by Cavalierkong


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


If RJ really is in the house with PJ and the other 4 suspects then he's ballsy to get that close. A question I have asked is why would RJ show up knowing Patrick is so close to catching him and may have a trap set. If Rj is Bertram then it wouldn't be the first time that he'd allowed PJ to paint him into a corner and bring him right to the edge of being caught. It is very similar to Season 3 finale when he goes to the Mall with Patrick even though Patrick suspects him of being the RJ accomplice.

The only suspects I've completely ruled out are Smith and Kirkland. I don't necessarily think Bertram IS RJ, this was just a random thought. LOL, I'm all over the place with who RJ is. Today I'm actually leaning towards the Sheriff, tomorrow I'll probably think it's Haffner.

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