Who is Red John?

Theory #17031 • by MissStiles


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


One last attempt to convince all the stubborn people who STILL think McAllister wasn't Red John. This feels like talking to kindergarten children..

McAllister was absolutely terrified of dying. All he had to do was tell Patrick Jane the truth (that he wasn't RJ) and he could have lived (which McAllister wanted more than anything).
Jane is not stupid, he would have believed him if he started telling the truth. McAllister could have saved himself. He didn't, because he is Red John. He knew Patrick knows it, he knew there is no point of denying it.

If anyone doesn't understand that, then you have the mental age of a child.

I don't care if I get 30 dislikes, just use your logic and common sense people! Peace.:)

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