Who is Red John?

Theory #18352 • by Stoopkid


Ron (CBI Ron)

Ron (CBI Ron)
Suspected in 191 theories


In the season 1 finale which was great you should re watch it,
I noticed that Red John wanted Jane to see the letter from Roy Tagliaferra as well as wanted Jane to meet Rosaline. Jane was not gaining on rj, rather Rj was leading Jane to things.

Now Dumar thought Rosaline screwed things up and for him she did. But Red John obviously wanted Dumar to get caught, just like his dad was years ago. Orville Tanner.
Dumar was just a pawn to lure Jane.
But who is Roy?
-Also whats weird is that Rosaline Harker was on the BA list that Jane showed to Abbott.
Her name was not blacked out so that means she was already caught.
So maybe she was Ba with Roy and Red John wanted to lead Jane to both of them.
Maybe Roy was Macalister who smelled like earth.
Or maybe Roy was a KIRKLAND and smelled like earth!

The only thing that deters me in this theory is the ep when Rj returns and puts a body in Rosalines closet.

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