Who is Red John?

Theory #18463 • by Stoopkid


Lorelei Martins

Lorelei Martins
Suspected in 44 theories


The show returns in November !
Called it!

Been thinking about Lorelie and how she said Rj is just like Jane.
Macalister is so far from Jane its plain to see.
Someone else is out there that is just like Jane.

And how she said it too with so much anger....
Didnt sound like a girl talking about her cult leader, right?
Rebecca Anderson would never reveal any disdain for her God.
She also said Jane was just like Red John but in a nice manner.
No Lorelie sounded like she was talking about a man she knew personally, her Father.
She has major dad issues thats why she linked with Jane..
She went for a guy just like her dad.
Also everyone can see Lorelie is different from all of Rj followers.
She is trained and not a robot pawn.
Rj has used every follower of his in the show as a pawn thus far.
Leaving them to be killed...
Not Lorelie, she was special.

Alex Jane could of had a son named Robert Kirkland...
Alcoholic Alex Jane created a monster in Robert..
Thats my second very slim slim theory..

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