Who is Red John?

Theory #10011 • by Sm1l3yF4ce


Gale Bertram

Gale Bertram
Suspected in 460 theories


Do you guys remember episode 5x22 Red John's Rules?

Patrick went to his home town to solve a murder of his childhood memory that made him smile, Eileen Barlow, who was killed by Red John.

He visited Sean Barlow and had an interesting conversation with him. I found that conversation extremly odd.

If you remember, Barlow said ONLY a Barlow is a real psyhcic and that Jane's father was a fake psyhcic.

Later, when they start talking about Red John, he again points out that Red John has to be a REAL psyhcic. Like he knows who RJ is. Or more importantly, like he knows RJ is someone from the Barlow family.

That was very suspicios and I was always wondering why didn't Patrick try to dig into Sean a little more, to found out if he knows anything about Red John.

If you remember correctly, Sean Barlow is extremly similar to Gale Bertram, similar height, sits with his legs crossed and is bald.

I was thinking, maybe Bertram is a Barlow, who chaned his identity to get himself an important job in the CBI and is the real Red John. I mean, it would explain his connections to Patrick from the carnival years etc.

P.S. Anyone knows if the episode 7 would be available to watch or download Sunday or Monday? Because I've noticed CBS messed up something and is going to air last week's episode this Sunday and this week's next Sunday.

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