Who is Red John?

Theory #12143 • by Red-Exit


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Also note the Pigeons in the promo (by Jane/Lisbon and in the church.). I believe it's symbolism. The pigeon is a symbol of peace and love, and is surround Jane and his team during this righteous hint against evil. It's also why McAllister hated and was repulsed by one in the bell tower. I believe it's a sign of good will, higher power, karma...however you want to put it. Jane finally is about to slay the dragon.

Also I believe the pigeon Lisbon let out of the room on episode 1 maybe "protected" her by scaring Red John/McAllister away.

It's a terrific way to incorporate a broader theme and meaning to the show along with the more tactile message and action.

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