Who is Red John?

Theory #12682 • by thearbowski


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Since day one when the list was revealed I
was in the Bertram camp..... but after viewing this weeks episode, I have to
admit i might be changing my vote.  I mean it still could be bertram and I
would be happy if it was, but it all seems to obvious to be him.  The way
things are playing out I think he is a top guy in TT but not red john.

Red John is indeed McAllister, for a few reasons.

 - he has been there since the beginning which would make sense.

-  faking his death and killing jane would be the ultimate victory

-  red john brought the bomb into the house on his person,  probably
in his Sheriffs hat...  that is why stiles and haffner were killed... they
were closest to it. It would easy to bring in a body and fake DNA records for a
guy like red john.

- Jane calls out Bertram in the media because he really thinks he is red john,
or more likely, he gets the CBI shut down and the FBI chasing a red herring so
he can take out red john one on one.

- watch the promo, the guy going through the window, they guy jane chases
through the cemetery, the guy walking down the church aisle, the comparision of
hands photo.. all point to McAllister

- Jane is in the church waiting for Red john...  the look on his face
is  because he knows the end is coming and what he has to do.

from what we know through interviews and the promo.... next weeks episode could play out like this.... it
starts in the church, follows him through the graveyeard and eventually meets
up in a park where the end will occur... and if it isn't Bertram somewhere in
between all this he meets up with Jane and their story is concluded.....  

anyway just some thoughts.... more importantly I hope we get answers to the
many questions that  been created through the years....

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