Who is Red John?

Theory #13493 • by NikMenta


Lorelei Martins

Lorelei Martins
Suspected in 44 theories


I read people's observations about things that they notice during the 6th season's episodes and I must say, I'm impressed.First of all, because you guys show your passion for the show this way.Secondly, due to your high observation skills, we can all be a part in this magical trip.Thank you all.

*Watching some older episodes I realized something.And no, I don't think it's a fault in the scene.

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Lorelei Martins at Jason Lennon's house:
Here,as you can see, Lorelei has an arm wound from a bullet.

Lorelei Martins at her death scene:
http://postimg.org/image/6543ukbzh/   NOT a major clue but still

Two weeks after she decides to confront Red John by herself, she's found dead.This time without her arm wound.Strange isn't it?How is it physically possible an arm wound from a bullet to heal only in two weeks?

The thing is getting more complicated.
Lorelei in the video Red John made for Jane:
http://postimg.org/image/f92iv0dkd/    The wound miraculously returns?!Also Lorelei appears to be beaten up by Red John.Assuming the video is made a few days (1-2) before Red John killed Lorelei, the whole thing doesn't make any sense.

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