Who is Red John?

Theory #18014 • by damok21


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Anyone else want to kick Bruno Heller in the nuts after the last episode? Is he intentionally trying to piss off the fans who liked the Red Johns story! I think the character Patrick Jane is based on Bruno Heller because he has played a big long con on us all. 
We at least thought some of the Red John story would be answered with the trial but of course not, because Bruno Heller basically conned us all. .

I mean the ending was so disappointing, not the fact that the killer was Mcallister which was ridiculous anyway, but the fact that Heller didn't really answer any of the major clues that were dropped before hand. That for me is just terrible writing. Don't even get me started on the episode being leaked early and the fact that we could see Mcallister jumping through the window in the promo. That is such a great way to reward the hardcore fans of the show ! really the great Red John was caught because he is scared of Pigeons, i think it is just a lack of respect from Heller really

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