Who is Red John?

Theory #18025 • by Hellfire


Brett Partridge

Brett Partridge
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I'm almost hoping this show gets cancelled, the whole awkward jisbon thing is driving me mental(ist).
Jane and Lisbon do not have romantic chemistry and franu it's kinda gross. Also fuck heller for this weeks episode I was all excited thinking we'd get some rj answers. But nooooooo, honestly I hardly watch the episodes anymore I just press play and play games on my phone, it's so full and tedious now, blah. Heller needs a twitter so I can angrily tweet at him everyday. And also why is the whole cast so excited that rj is dead in every interview?
How about no?
I want rj back or atleast no dam jisbon, or else I'm done with this fucktarded show.

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