Who is Red John?

Theory #18750 • by Brunomustdie8


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


HAHAHAHAHAHhahaha. WHAT A JOKE !!! I'm not even mad. Screw over a brilliant show like this ? That takes some serious work and effort. So congratulations BH you almost won "the most idiotic man in history" contest. Sadly you are so stupid, you couldn't even manage ending up first. Oh boy, but thanks for the laughs, I really laughed my ass of during finale. I've seen a lot of violence and disturbing content on both TV and Internet, but if anything of it should leave a mark on my mental health, this was it!
I sincerely hope, that some american fan will go full nuts and find your ass. I hope that one day, BH comes home and he sees a smiley face on wall. His family dead and then a gentle voice saying:" I was getting the feeling, you are forgetting about me. I needed to remind you who I am. What I am." 
If I had a genie, my only whish would be a short videorecord of his face in that moment. I would masturbate to it until I would end up in some kind of ephoric-catatonic coma. I salute to all the "fans" out here who were able to see this season for what it really was. And shame on the others icluding myself. Shame on us for letting ourselves be buttfucked by uncle Bruno. Im not watching Gotham anymore, because I won't let you fuck me twice Bruno. Never posted a theory here, althought I was visitng very frequently to substitute the thrill I wasn't getting from the show. 
So please someone near Bruno, grab your murican brainwashed mojo and DO make BH regret for screwing with RJ. Have a nice day guys.

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