Who is Red John?

Theory #8752 • by adreaskosta


Ray Haffner

Ray Haffner
Suspected in 875 theories


We were given two groups of suspects

1. Visual members
2. Tyger Tyger members


1. One story line from essentially the shows beginning
2. One story line for the future of the show


1. One of group one's members claims to know everything about RJ and the other member who was on the farm as a visual member during RJ FIRST murder
2. Guys that have had ZERO back story


1. The mentor of RJ and RJ
2. Guys that are pawns to a punch of murders and criminals that Jane will battle in the future

Haffner is RJ and Stiles is RJ's mentor or father. Or I like the theory of Stiles being the murderer of RJ father (the original visual leader) and thus creating RJ (the story of the tyger tyger poem).

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