Who is Red John?

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Reede Smith

Reede Smith
Suspected in 124 theories


Wonderful episode. Best of the season. (this season has been pretty cheesy so far, even last eppy was good but flawed and overrated) This eppy had me captivated the whole time. Yea, could've gone without the vega/wiley stuff but literally everything else was remarkable. And the end has a marvelous reveal. Now I truly appreciate something "minor" that happened in S06e07 "The Great Red Dragon". Looking forward to the last half of season 7. There have been many, highly, flawed epps since Red John's demise but there also have been some impressive ones indeed. And this episode highlights that. Well done, Simon Baker and the team. Truly Outstanding television indeed! 

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I was reading a Mentalist piece on EW from right before the Red John reveal episode-It primarily argued that Red John storyline had dragged on too long to remain interesting in Season 6. One thing the article said though confused me-Lorelei wasn't as exciting as the show wanted her to be? I always thought she was one of the most interesting parts of the entire storyline, having a character (besides Rosalind) who had interacted w/RJ. Did anyone else find Lorelei to be a mismanaged/underused character?


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i have a 30 year old single female that sits next to me at work.  through discussions with her, i realize that single women of her age either obsess over their 16 pet cats, or they obsess over TV shows.  the problem is that people like her (TV obsessed) are the ones that go on message boards and scream for Jisbon.  More power to them.  If they can't find love in life, i guess the gallon tub of ice cream and tv romance gives them the warm and fuzzy.  I do believe though, that this demographic is the one that spends more time online posting and hoping for all shows to become romantic.  The demographic that preferred the RJ storyline was just as big, but while they watch the show, don't express their feelings as much.  basically, i think that Jisbon gets more run online than RJ simply because those that like Jisbon are the type that spend more time stalking tv shows online than those that preferred RJ (minus the hardcore fans on this site of course). 

Of the 7 listed suspects, everyone agreed that Reede Smith was the biggest longshot.....and so do I.  But of the original 7, he is the only one that is confirmed to still be alive......

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I want to say two things.The first jisbon fans:I hope all the birds will peck you.The second to bruno:I hope all the birds will shit on you.

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Has a fat ass

High pitched voice due to getting anal raped

Eats penis

Fuck you all my name is Anthony Yezzi

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Maybe the only way to save this show is making Jane wake up in asylum with whole team of actors working as doctors/patients etc...otherwise it will be a endless mess.

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Reede shortened to Red, for when he was on the visualize farm.  He wanted to be called Red.  John just like smith means regular bloke.  He claims to be a low man on the totem pole, but he is higher ranking than McAllister.  He can tell MCAllister what to do.  In an interview with a judge present, he flipped out at Jane.  He wanted to just get rid of Jane, because he is Jane's antagonist.  Reede Smith created Red John with the first murders @ the Red Barn - on the visualize farm.  He got visualize to help him cover the murders up; he sold himself into Stiles' debt.  As payback, Stiles orders other members to force McAllister to cover up the mistake Reede Smith has made.  McAllister is the cleaner for Stiles' mafia.  As an officer, he was able to protect himself by finding out information that only police knew.  He uses what they know to create the perfect patsy.  His temper is what makes him really guilty looking.

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