Who is Red John?

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Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Its Thomas McAllister.

here is the The Mentalist 6x0 Promo.


and now...take a look at this. http://p1311.hizliresim.com/1h/l/unkzs.jpg

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Also note the Pigeons in the promo (by Jane/Lisbon and in the church.). I believe it's symbolism. The pigeon is a symbol of peace and love, and is surround Jane and his team during this righteous hint against evil. It's also why McAllister hated and was repulsed by one in the bell tower. I believe it's a sign of good will, higher power, karma...however you want to put it. Jane finally is about to slay the dragon.

Also I believe the pigeon Lisbon let out of the room on episode 1 maybe "protected" her by scaring Red John/McAllister away.

It's a terrific way to incorporate a broader theme and meaning to the show along with the more tactile message and action.

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So the church in episodes 7 and 8 is significant because its where Jane had the funeral ceremony before laying his wife and child to rest. Going there is probably part of Jane's 'acceptance' of events and most likely Red John recognizes Jane's presence in the church as a sign of defeat.

One more observation, with the exception of the sheriff all of Blake Association members and Jane survived the blast while the Visualize guys got vaporized. Tis leads me to believe the bomb was under the couch and when Jane had the Blake Assn. guys move to the other side of the room, it provided enough distance to survive the blast. Soooooo, I think it is entirely possible that the sheriff also survived the blast and maybe packed some blood samples with the bomb to leave behind a vapor of his DNA when the bomb goes off.

If I was Red John and knew that a bomb was going to explode, I would hide behind the other Blake Assn. guys and use them as a human shield. Te bomb was high powered, but small enough to carry inside on your person, so if Red John put enough distance between himself and the bomb, it would probably be survivable. Talk about theatrics!

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It's OVER !! .We were trying to discover who RED JOHN is the moment Lorelei Martins revealed a very big, game changing clue when she said Patrick and RED JOHN shook hands.

From that moment so many great theory and analysis from the fans were shown here in this great site,even if your theory or suspect didn't make it, that doesn't mean your theory is invalid ,Bruno Heller has to show one ending to it and if he could write multiple ending he would.

A BIG thank you to  Theory #12122 • By ozi  for the clearest clue to who RED JOHN is from the trailer.

And i would like to add that also the pigeon in the church from the trailer was a big clue too.

Didn't see that one coming

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Taken from promo 6x08:


Is Clearly Sheriff McAllister, CBS made a big mistake, they put in the promo at least 3 pictures of Berkeley.
Here are the others 2:



Bye bye Red John...

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1. Hand is exactly the same, with that diagonal vein popping out.

2. Hat on couch explains bomb:
  - Brought into the house in his hat
  - Exploded on couch, killing Stiles and Haffner
  - 3 Blake members were on the far wall lined up - and those three were furthest from the blast, hence they survived. Smith was barely hurt (until shot by Lisbon) and Bertrum not hurt at all. So it stands to reason that McAllister was not hurt much either. How could he be blown to a charred non identifiable million pieces, but was standing right next to the other two that were unharmed?
  - DNA evidence likely also planted within his hat for the cops to find.

3. Pidgeon in the church during the confrontation between McAllister and Jane. This may have something to do with McAllister extricating himself from that situation leading to the big chase, ending in the park with the final RJ killing.

4. other pictures from promo show person who looks most similar to McAllister

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Can he (McAllister) just be unveiled as RJ as soon as possible into the episode, to stop these stupid Partridge theories?

Partridge is dead, the writers said so, the actor said so, the show showed so. Get over it, he would have been a crap Red John, as there's no way he could coax anyone into following him.

McAllister will be an awesome RJ. 

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